Wednesday, August 24, 2011

All about my photography

Hi, I am totally new to this blog thing.  This is my first one.  It was suggested to me by one of my best friend's Deb.
I have a passion for photography, I have always had a camera for as far back as I can remember, I was always taking shot's of something, or candid shot's of someone.  I was laid off my job 2 1/2 year's ago.  This was when I decided to do something that I loved.  

I started trying to photograph for stock photography, with my little point and shoot.  Needless to say, my photo's were rejected all but 2.  I was excited about the 2.  Soon after that, I got my  first Canon Rebel xsi, with the kit lens (18-55mm) I knew nothing about photography (just the regular point and shoot).  I did not know how to turn the thing on, so, I took out my owner's manual, with my camera in front of me and, started learning how to work my camera.

This led me to googling what I wanted to know, and YouTube tutorials.  From there, I just started googling tutorial's for any and everything.  I soon discovered that I wanted another lens (28-135mm).  Then I discovered Brian Peterson, and bought about 4 of his book's, plus watch his video's.

A few month's went by, and Canon came out with the T2i, with video, 18mpx (or whatever it is called).  Yep, I bought that one too.  Then I just had to have at least one "L"Len's (70-200mm)so-o-o I bought it.  Then I discovered macro photography, and wanted a macro lens, I bought a Canon (60mm), later I found out that I should have at least gotten a (100mm) I was not about to buy another one so, I bought the Kinko extender's, this was perfect, because I got 3 together.

Since my 70-200mm is big and heavy, I did not want to have to change that thing, so, it stays on one camera, and I interchange the other one.

After a little over two year's of being self taught, I came to a standstill,  I Was "stuck", all of my photo's looked the same to me.  I decided to go to a workshop, but I did not find any that didn't cost a lot or that I felt good about.  I found one and hired Chris H. for a 4 hour workshop.  One of my better moves.  I learned a lot from him.

Living in CA, there are so-o-o many scenic places to go and shoot, a lot of them are close to me.  I'd like to drive down part of the coast line, and shoot some of that.

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